Being Right…While Being All Wrong
There is a right way to approach an issue, as well as a wrong way. Particularly as theologians and those who espouse “Free Grace” theology, we must ever be mindful to keep the grace in the message of Free Grace. Case in point: I had lunch with a friend on Monday. She is a very nice young lady whose background was from a liturgical, Protestant denomination. She had a particular theological issue that she wanted to work through that, at least in my opinion, is not a pillar of evangelical Christian theology. The issue was baptism, and very similar to the brouhaha caused by the disagreement between Al Mohler, Mark Dever, Wayne Grudem, John Piper, and Ligon Duncan in August 2007. (read all about it in posts here [great place to start] and here ; click through their links for the details) This came to the forefront because this young woman had a great angst about the issue. This angst was not theological or doctrinal. We talked our way through t...