
Showing posts from September, 2011

The Scandal of Grace, by Jim McNeely

This post is written by Jim McNeely. He can be reached at .  His site, is a great resource for Free Grace thinkers.   It has fallen to me recently to teach a group of youth at our church, so I have seized the opportunity to walk them through the book of Romans. I told them that it would change their life forever, but that it was going to be difficult, it was going to have times that it would be dull, and that I didn't think that most of them were up to it. They got excited!   What is amazing is that these are young teenagers who have very little theological training or understanding, in fact it is a bit embarrassing that they are so uninformed about the Bible and basic theology. However, just as in every circle, as we have begun to see the message of grace unfold, there are two distinct camps. There are some who love the message of grace, and some who are scandalized by it. In fact I have never seen a works salvation pos...

From the President -September 2011

Greetings in the Grace of God,      The fall brings a new season for ministry. Many of us serve as pastors, elders, missionaries, counselors or directors of diverse ministries. Each new season provides us with new opportunities to live and proclaim the Grace of God. In my role as a seminary professor I have the privilege of teaching a new group of students. One of the joys I have is to pray for discernment as I search for those students who are open to understand the free grace message manifested in the Bible and help them see the theological implications and personal applications.      As I begin my 18 th year as a seminary professor I have the delight of looking back to see many students who have embraced the message of Free Grace and who have gone on to be faithful pastors and teachers of the matchless grace of God. As I watch these men becoming so capable and faithful in their ministry for the Lord, it ...