Get Unfuzzy – Musings on “The Gospel” by Dr. Roger Fankhauser
What is “the gospel”? We asked some African pastors the meaning of “the gospel”. They said, “The good news”. Technically, they were absolutely right. But we were more interested in hearing what they thought was required to receive eternal life. Then, in some recent reading, the topic of “the gospel” popped up repeatedly (as it should, I suspect, when reading “Christian” material!). David Platt, in his book Radical , says “We need to return with urgency to a biblical gospel”. The back cover of Richard Stearns’ book, The Hole in Our Gospel , asks this: “Have we embraced the whole gospel?” Plus, the support team of well-known speaker, someone with some “interesting” ideas about the Holy Spirit, said his campaign was simply a “gospel” presentation. The term “gospel” shows up repeatedly. So, what is the gospel? Does it always mean the same thing? I suspect when we hear or read the word, the first idea that pops in our head connects “gospel” with “what must I believe or d...