
Showing posts from January, 2012

Get Unfuzzy – Musings on “The Gospel” by Dr. Roger Fankhauser

What is “the gospel”?   We asked some African pastors the meaning of “the gospel”. They said, “The good news”. Technically, they were absolutely right. But we were more interested in hearing what they thought was required to receive eternal life. Then, in some recent reading, the topic of “the gospel” popped up repeatedly (as it should, I suspect, when reading “Christian” material!). David Platt, in his book Radical , says “We need to return with urgency to a biblical gospel”. The back cover of Richard Stearns’ book, The Hole in Our Gospel , asks this: “Have we embraced the whole gospel?” Plus, the support team of well-known speaker, someone with some “interesting” ideas about the Holy Spirit, said his campaign was simply a “gospel” presentation. The term “gospel” shows up repeatedly.   So, what is the gospel? Does it always mean the same thing?   I suspect when we hear or read the word, the first idea that pops in our head connects “gospel” with “what must I believe or d...

Book Review: Arminian Theology-Myths and Realities by Roger E. Olson

John Correia has posted a review of Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities by Roger Olson over at his blog.  This book is good reading for FGA members! It didn’t convince him to become an Arminian (which, being a FGA Executive Council member, is a good thing!) but it is a helpful, concise, and irenic work that is worth reading.  Head over to A Biblical Framework , read the review, and interact!

Letter from the FGA President - January 2012

Greetings, “A new day, a new chance to excel.” That is what I used to tell my kids as we would start a new day. And so, January 1, 2012 begins a new year. What will it mean to “Excel” with the Free Grace Alliance in 2012?   Let me put before you for your consideration three goals that I have for the FGA as an organization. I hope you also will embrace these goals. First, I hope that we will deepen our own personal spiritual lives as we live before the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not simply a New Year's resolution or an unrealistic item on a list of goals. It is in fact the essence of what we seek as Christians. For some of us, this will include renewing our commitment to read through the scriptures and study the scriptures, not simply for our professional output, but for personal intake and devotional value. For some, this will include a renewed commitment to achieving a robust prayer life. This is not simply creating more lists of people to pray for, althou...