President's Letter-January 1, 2013
W henever you begin a new year it is helpful to remind yourself what you did last year and then make plans for the upcoming year. This is true both on a personal and institutional level. FGA had a very good 2012. Let me reflect on some of the exciting milestones. First, the FGA national conference in Dallas was a complete success. We had a wonderful array of ministry guests from out of the country, some spectacular speakers, an extremely good time of fellowship together, and we broke even. Second, as an organization we assessed and reworked the FGA bylaws and made the alliance much more functional in terms of our leadership and organizational vision. Third, in 2012 we saw a number of books from a Free Grace perspective come on the market. Let me mention a few of them. Dr. Jody Dillow’s Final Destiny, Marty Cauley’s The Outer Darkness, the third edition of Dr. Gordon Olson’s work, Beyond Calvinism and Arminianism, John Correia’s Refreshing Grace, Mark Spencer’s A Momen...