Letter from the President September 2010

Dear FGA Members and Friends,

Some feel that “the grace issue” is only a phenomenon of the American church as a result of strong Dortian Calvinism. But the truth be known, it seems that even as far as Africa the church has been infected by what me might call, “pseudo grace theology,” or perhaps “neo legalism.” The African church might not be as sophisticated in their theological articulation, but the error that has plagued the church of Jesus Christ from it very inception continues to infect both the church in America and Africa alike.

One of our FGA members, Pastor John Correia, has just returned from Africa where he was teaching pastors about hermeneutics. While there, he had an interesting encounter regarding a works oriented salvation and the answer of grace theology. I would encourage you to read the article about his trip, Free Grace Theology in Africa.

Many of you have received a brochure for the 2010 FGA National Conference October 4-6 in Irving, TX. As I see it, this is going to be the best conference in free grace history. We have a spectacular line-up of speakers and workshop leaders, including Doctors Jody Dillow, Dave Anderson, Larry Moyer, and Charlie Bing. We also have as a special guest, Dr. Michael Eaton who wrote the seminal book “No Condemnation a New theology of Assurance.” Additionally fifteen workshops are being offered, focusing on our theme, “Getting the Gospel Out.” Best of all, we have the privilege of having Dr. Charles Ryrie as our banquet speaker. All of this plus some great time to network and fellowship with others involved in ministry from around the international community, and book shopping opportunities of course! You can register right now by using the registration link on http://www.freegracealliance.com/.

Finally, if you are an FGA member, I hope you received your copy of the FGA Membership Directory. If you have not, simply email us and we will get it to you. Please make sure not to use it for solicitation purposes. It is meant to help you stay connected and encouraged with those who are involved with our alliance, and to help you network with free grace ministries.

Serving Him with you until He comes for us,

Fred Chay, Ph.D.
President, FGA           

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