President's Letter - January 2011

Teach us to number our days that we might present to you a heart of wisdom.” These are the ancient, wise words of Moses to Israel and to all of God’s people in any dispensation.

We find ourselves with a new year before us with all the opportunities that the Lord will present to us. Might I suggest that we not only prioritize our schedule, but also and more importantly, schedule our priorities? Whether it is in our own spiritual lives or in the ministries that we serve, we all need a map or a matrix that we use to guide us to our desired goals.

In 2011 the FGA has a three-fold ministry matrix by which we hope to help further our mission.
First, we want to be involved in Equipping/Education. We wish to accomplish   this by an exchange of information through our website, blog, and through networking with our members. We also will provide more theological and ministry articles published by our members through the Journal of Chafer Theological Seminary.
Second, we desire to Encourage members as we provide a bigger picture of grace ministries in America and around the world. It is all too easy to get a silo mentality and only see things through our own glasses. The fact is that there is much ministry going on throughout the world being provided by those of us who proclaim the full grace of God.
Third, we desire to Enhance your ministry through the resources of FGA. The whole is greater than the parts. We hope to help you connect with others in FGA to provide you opportunities for ministry and partners in ministry.

As the New Year is before us some of us have a tradition of making New Year resolutions. Perhaps it is to lose those 10 pounds or exercise more each week. Maybe it is to refresh our Greek or maybe even our Hebrew??? Might I ask you to make it a resolution or at least a habit, to pray for FGA regularly this year?

          ▪Please pray for the FGA council meeting in January as we seek to pray and prepare for the year, including our   national conference.   
          ▪Please pray for financial stability this year through dues and donations.
          ▪Please pray also for the Lord to open doors to ministry leaders we will be contacting and seeking to get involved with FGA.

 The New Year is before us. Let us make sure to “Count the days and Make the days Count” that we might present a heart of wisdom to the Lord.

Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,

Fred Chay, Ph.D.
President, FGA

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