Letter from the President - March 3, 2013

Greetings to the FGA Family,
This is an exciting season for the FGA. Let me share with you some of the strategic ministry undertakings. 

First, we have a full slate of regional conferences. On March 2nd we had a regional conference in Phoenix in conjunction with my ministry, Grace Line. We had over 300 people attend. There were five plenary speakers (two from the FGA executive council) and two others that are FGA members. We also held ten workshops led by the FGA council and many of our members. Topics included: Evangelism in the Workplace, The Relationship of Regeneration and Faith in the New Testament, The Role of Puritan Theology in Colonial America and its Modern Day Impact, A Theology of Spiritual Formation, Why Grace is Difficult for the African American Christian as well as a basics class on Free Grace Theology and many others. I had an opportunity to speak to the pastors and parachurch leaders about the purpose and plans of the FGA and invited them to join us in our vision.

There is another regional conference scheduled for April 20th in Salem, Oregon featuring Drs. Charlie Bing, Ken Wilson and Steve Hill. The theme is “Grace Investigation”. There will be another regional conference in Tampa, Florida on May18th. Bob Tebow, Charlie Bing and Yankee Arnold will be our speakers for that event. Finally, there will be a conference in Charlotte, North Carolina on June 22nd. We will have the pleasure of hearing from Dr. Norm Geisler on the Relationship of Election and Free Will in Conversion. Dr. Charlie Bing and Pastor Donnie Preslar will also be speaking concerning issues pertinent to the FGA.

I hope you are able to attend one of these wonderful regional conferences. If you are interested in hosting a conference in your city please email me and we will see how we can provide the resources to make it happen.

, in terms of pastoral training, Drs. Roger Fankhauser and Charlie Bing, (FGA council members) are going on a two week ministry trip to India and Nepal. Please pray for their personal safety and ministry effectiveness.  We have other pastoral training trips in the works, such as Pastor Jonathan Logan, who goes each year to Africa, and John Correia who has been invited to Finland to help teach at a Bible conference for pastors.

Third, there are many engaged in the research and writing of new materials for the FGA. Dr. Ed DeZago is working on a 4 volume Systematic Theology from a Free Grace perspective. Dr. Dave Anderson will have his book on Romans 6-8 published soon. Dr. Ken Wilson will have his dissertation from Oxford published by Oxford--high praise indeed!  Todd Mathis is working on a Theological Resource Curriculum via the internet.  I will have a book on suffering coming out soon.  I am sure there are many more of you who are working on writing projects that will help the Free Grace movement. Please let me know about them if you will.

This brief report does not begin to share with you all the work of the faithful members of FGA in America and around the world who seek to proclaim the glorious grace of God. Praise the Lord that He allows us the privilege of serving Him by serving His people. I count it a joy to be on the team with you.


Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,

Fred Chay, Ph.D.
President, FGA

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