The FGA at Work!

One example of  how the Free Grace Alliance works:

"The mission of the Free Grace Alliance is to connect, encourage, equip and lead the body of Christ to advance the grace message throughout the world"

Tero Fredrikkson of the Greater Grace Church in Finland (a free grace church) discovers Gracelife Ministries (a free grace ministry) on the internet and uses some of their materials. The church calls Gracelife Ministries and invites Charlie Bing ( a free grace teacher, writer, and missionary) to Finland. Charlie travels to Finland to teach. He invites Tero to attend the Free Grace Alliance conference in 2012.

Tero attends the conference and meets many others who hold the Free Grace position. He returns to Finland with many new friends and a lot of Free Grace material! Some, including John Corria (a free grace pastor) and Richard Grubbs, agree to travel to Finland to assist the work there by teaching.

Tero returns to the United States for the 2013 conference. He speaks at Burleson Bible Church ( a free grace church) where Roger Fankhauser (a free grace pastor) serves. The church is challenged and encouraged by Tero. At the conference, Tero shares his testimony at the banquet, so many who did not previously know him now know at least a bit about God's work in Finland.

Tero connects with many others, including Dr. Dave Anderson, president of Grace School of Theology (a free grace school). The two discuss seminary training in Finland, with at least some preliminary talks about how GSOT and the Greater Grace Church might work together to enhance theological training in Finland and beyond, since Tero's church includes a large international community.

Do you think anyone was or will be connected, encouraged, or equipped by just this one set of interactions? I do!

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Tero connected with other ministries and people not mentioned above. And connections like this happened and are happening between other people and other ministries with a free grace perspective.

That's what the Free Grace Alliance is about. It's not primarily about the Free Grace Alliance as an organization. It's about

Free Grace, and
Alliances between believers who hold to free grace.

Connect, encourage, equip. Let's do it!

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