Doctrine and Unity
Those who know me well know I am committed to endeavoring to
keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph 4:3). I am also
committed to sound doctrine for the same reasons. I often see commitment to
sound doctrine and commitment to unity in the Body presented as opposing principles,
but that idea doesn’t reflect reality.
I don’t believe any believer in Christ has ever had a
stronger commitment to unity in the Body than the Apostle Paul. He was obsessed
with it and saw it as an elementary implication of the gospel. As a Pharisee, a
Hebrew of Hebrews, his Jewishness was an integral part of his identity, perhaps
the most fundamental aspect of it. Yet, it was primarily to him that the
mystery of Jews and Gentiles together in one Body was revealed. He was the one
sent as the Apostle to the Gentiles. It was he that publicly rebuked Peter for his
implication that the Gentiles were not equal members of the Body, and it was he
that championed the Gentiles’ case as fully accepted members of the Body of
Christ at the Jerusalem Council (Peter at this time defended his cause).
Yet, I also doubt if anyone has ever had a fiercer commitment
to sound doctrine than he did.
The truth is that false doctrine tears apart the Body of
Christ (practically speaking). It causes division by turning people
against each other. In the case of works salvation, or denying salvation by
faith alone, it causes suspicion and judgmentalism, and even carnal oppression
of others in an attempt to enforce holiness. I've seen it. I've been guilty of
all of that. It is the natural outcome of legalism.
On the other hand, when we start from a place of recognizing
that we were all guilty before God if based on our own merits, not just a
little, but extremely so, and if not for Christ we would be utterly without
hope, and if we recognize that we contribute nothing at all then we can be free
to love each other, broken as we are, into the spiritual healing that is found
only in a grace-filled community. I am fully accepted on His merits alone--and
so are you--so there's no grounds for boasting, no grounds for condemnation or
gossip. And just as I've been guilty of the judgmentalism, the implicit
boasting, the division that comes with legalism, I've experienced the
unconditional love of Christ expressed in a community that understands and
embraces grace. A community that does that is committed to sound doctrine and
is so unified that people do not hesitate to show their love for one another
with their actions. This is just one example of sound doctrine promoting unity
in the Body of Christ.
Sound doctrine promotes unity and sound praxis uses doctrine
to build unity. The godly man who is committed to sound doctrine seeks to gently
and humbly persuade those who are in opposition (2 Tim 2:24-26). Our ministry
is one of reconciliation. Godly wisdom is peaceable and gentle and the one who
seeks to promote righteousness does so by sewing in peace (Jas 3:17-18). And it’s
the wolves who seek to divide the flock and draw some after themselves (Acts
Sound doctrine is not the source of divisiveness. It can come
from false doctrine (the term translated “heresy” in the New Testament means “division”)
or it can come from carnality or behavior that is inconsistent with sound
Let’s increase our commitment to sound doctrine, and as we
do, let us use it as a tool in our striving to keep the unity of the Spirit in
the bond of peace. That’s what it means to walk worthy of our calling (Eph