President's Letter October 2010

Dear FGA friends,

For those of you who were able to join us in Dallas for the FGA National Conference you know it was a great time of fellowshipping, listening and learning from one another, as well as worshiping the Lord together. Many people told me and others on the executive council that this was the best conference we have ever had. I think this is because of the tremendous slate of speakers we had this year.

 Dr. Dave Anderson taught from the book of Hebrews and lifted our souls to heaven to worship the Cosmic Christ. Dr. Jody Dillow explored the problematic sections of the Sermon on the Mount and its impact on rewards. Our special guest, Dr. Michael Eaton, reminded us of the historical and theological realities of the doctrine of the assurance of salvation. Dr. Larry Moyer and Dr. Charlie Bing challenged us all to do the work of an evangelist and “get the gospel out” both in our “Jerusalem” and to the “uttermost parts of the earth”.  Additionally the fifteen workshops that included topics on Evangelism, Ecclesiology, and Grace Theology provided valuable teaching.

At the banquet a presentation of the FGA Trophy of Grace Award was made to author and theologian Dr. Renald Showers, for his service with the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.

Finally, the biggest delight of the conference was hearing from Dr. Charles Ryrie as our banquet keynote speaker. What a delight to see grace personified both in word and deed in the life of one of the Lord’s choice servants.

If you were not able to attend don’t worry. The entire conference was recorded. The plenary sessions and the banquet are on DVD and the workshops are on CD. If you were not able to attend don’t worry. The entire conference was recorded. The plenary sessions and the banquet are on DVD and the workshops are on CD. If you would like to order some or all of these resources please use this form.   I hope you will plan to come to next year’s national conference.

Let me encourage you to visit our website each month as we will be adding new articles and new ministry spotlights. We are also improving our social media visibility with a new blog, which you can find at; The FGA now has a Facebook fan page too ( ).  If you’re on Facebook “like” that page please and share it with others. We now have a twitter account as well. is the link to follow if you’re a twitterer. 

Our hope is that these resources will help encourage, equip, and connect you to help maximize your ministry.

Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,

Fred Chay, Ph.D.
President, FGA

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