Social Media news...we're catching up technologically!

The FGA now has a Facebook fan page( ) so if you’re on Facebook “like” that page please!  Also, share it with those in your sphere of influence.  This is a great resource to encourage those in your Facebook circle with free grace theology.

Please subscribe to the FGA blog to receive notice whenever a new entry is posted.  Notice in the upper right hand corner of the site there are two ways to “subscribe” to the FGA blog.  One is using a “reader,” which is convenient for the technologically savvy.  The other way to subscribe is to enter your email address and click on “subscribe” in the upper right hand corner.  You will receive a confirmation email which requires you to click a link to confirm that you want to subscribe; just as with our email list, we will never misuse your trust with your email address.  I hope each of you subscribes in one way or another, and encourages your sphere of influence to do the same. If you’d like, you can also follow the blog via the NetworkedBlogs application on Facebook ( is the link).

 We are also seeking out both regular contributors and individual contributions.  The FGA is a collection of people who share a passion for the simplicity of the message of faith ALONE in Christ ALONE for eternal life, and we would love to hear how God is at work to teach you more about His grace.  Submission guidelines for the blog are as follows:
  1. 1.       All submissions must adhere to the FGA covenant.  Especially important to our covenant for the blog is a desire to maintain a “positive and gracious tone toward all others.
  2. Blog submissions should be theologically or textually oriented and shed some light on the free message of eternal life in Christ.  That can be accomplished directly or indirectly, through exposition or through example.  However, submissions without theological content will not be accepted.
  3. Submissions should focus on main issues and not delve into side discussions unless they shed immediate and profitable insight into the subject at hand.  The FGA blog is not the place to debate miraculous gifts, ecclesiology, or the exact identity of the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament, for example.  Those are fine topics, but are not germane to the purpose of the FGA and therefore will not be published on the FGA blog.
  4. We are especially interested in helping one another with resources and tips on ministry and theology.  Therefore book reviews, curriculum reviews, discussions of helpful resources for pastors, teachers, leaders and disciples of Christ are particularly sought.  If a book has been really helpful and has trumpeted the grace of God clearly, please tell the FGA about it.
  5. Please submit your entry to our blogmaster, John Correia, at  Submissions must be in MS Word or compatible format.  We reserve the right to edit your entry for content and style to conform to the submission guidelines.
   Finally, we have a twitter account as well! is the link to follow if you’re a twitterer.

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